Category Archives: Metapolitics

Confirmation Bias — The New Conspiracy Theory

What is the difference between confirmation bias and simply confirmation?

If I find a document detailing the agreement between two gangsters to rob a bank, that is reason to look for more proof of this suspected crime. According to this new concept of confirmation bias I’m now supposed to look for evidence that disproves my suspicion. If I don’t then I’m guilty of confirmation bias, and since that’s a psychological tendency — a flaw “we all are guilty of” — it’s dismissed as… a conspiracy theory.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Metapolitics | Leave a comment

Inequality Before the Law is Natural & Proper to Man

Men are not equal. Some are therefore rightly more authoritative, more influential, and more important than others. The law ought to recognize this reality – and it does. The question is not whether it does recognize this reality, then, but whether it does so justly.

, by Kartavirya Also posted in Basic Concepts | 1 Response

Aristocracy And The Meaning Of Class Rule

There is a great and pressing need today in general for a new and genuine aristocracy, especially among the European peoples and nations. Over the past centuries the old aristocracy has declined, degenerated, lost sight of its guiding Principle and has finally been destroyed by both intrinsic and extrinsic forces. Today we can hardly talk of there existing any true aristocracy. There exists a hierarchy which has been subverted and infiltrated, leading to “counter-aristocrats” sitting on key positions of power. (…) If we are to survive this present Götterdämmerung we will have to recover our guiding sacred and traditional principles that once, in our ancient past, gave rise to that true and genuine aristocracy that built all great cultures as reflections Below of that which is Above and filled them with the Light of the Divine.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Metapolitics | Leave a comment

The Esoterism of Shakespeare’s Macbeth

Having attended the new production of G. Verdi’s opera Macbeth at The Gothenburg Opera, I was quite surprised by the unexpected chosen interpretation of this great adaptation of Shakespeare’s masterpiece. (…) The main question I must raise is this: Why is it morally wrong of Macbeth to kill Duncan, if they are the same and why then is it morally right of Malcolm (through Macduff) to kill Macbeth? If they are the same, as they are displayed in Mr. Radok’s concept, then where is the conflict? What is the purpose of writing such a play?
Macbeth’s guilt, agony, pain and nightmare-like visions would be entirely unmotivated if Duncan and Malcolm where displaying the same inferior moral or psychological nature as himself.
The esoteric core of both the play and the opera is manipulated and altered in order to provide room for the director’s outlook of the world and this outlook is a false one. (…) It must be noted at this point that it is not the actual killing that is the supreme conflict, since Macbeth is a general in Duncan’s service and we must expect that in holding such an office death is an everyday occurrence; ordering soldiers to kill other soldiers is something a general must be capable of handling. (…) The very heart of the entire play, however, is the killing of the righteous king; not only because of Duncan’s legitimacy to the throne based on blood heredity but rather from the aspect of what kind of material a righteous king should be made of in order to have a rightful claim to the throne according to universal law.

, by victor Also posted in Sacred Art | 3 Responses

The Illusion Of Democracy

Most people think of democracy as being “good”. It represents everything which most people consider valuable and precious. The modern mass media uses democracy as a label for ideas, values and principles they consider “right”. Often one sees and hears people say things like “it is my democratic right”, or “it is everyone’s democratic duty” – to vote, for example. “Sound democratic values” is another cryptic expression often used by everyone from world leaders and influencial businessmen to journalists and ordinary people. No one ever questions or defines these vague expressions. We all are expected to “know” what is understood by them – not only that, but we all are expected to have the exact same understanding of them.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Metapolitics | 1 Response
  • Do not fear the enemy, for your enemy can only take your life. It is far better that you fear the media, for they will steal your Honor. That awful power, the public opinion of a nation, is created in America by a horde of ignorant, self-complacent simpletons who failed at ditching and shoemaking and fetched up in journalism on their way to the poorhouse.


    - Mark Twain