Category Archives: Metahistory

South American Natives Speak Ancient European Language? Part 1

“Juan (János) Moricz, our compatriot, met in Ecuador, Peru and the Amazonas such Indian tribes the members of which he could speak Hungarian with. In their legends they keep the awareness and knowledge of their many thousands of years’ old past and their kinship and connections with other peoples alive. Nobody has been able to refute Moricz’ discoveries, on the contrary, the Spanish for political and economical reasons have levelled heavy attacks against Moricz.”

, by Kartavirya Posted in Metahistory | 24 Responses
  • By withdrawing the human being from a close touch with the realities of Nature’s work and laws, from the everyday and obvious lessons to be learnt by watching cultivated plants and animals grow, and observing the conditions essential to their prosperity, town life must in time foster a fantastic or unrealistic attitude to life and its problems, which of itself constitutes mental or intellectual unsoundness.


    - Anthony M. Ludovici