Aristocracy And The Meaning Of Class Rule

There is a great and pressing need today in general for a new and genuine aristocracy, especially among the European peoples and nations. Over the past centuries the old aristocracy has declined, degenerated, lost sight of its guiding Principle and has finally been destroyed by both intrinsic and extrinsic forces. Today we can hardly talk of there existing any true aristocracy. There exists a hierarchy which has been subverted and infiltrated, leading to “counter-aristocrats” sitting on key positions of power.

Due to the ever relentless spiritual, mental and physical degeneration of mankind questions have arisen put forward by modernity as to what aristocracy really is, how it should be defined and even if it ever existed at all. Such questions arising is a sign of the times we live in—Kali Yuga. It marks the steady decline from an existence of Quality to an existence of Quantity.

It is beyond question that one person has a competence and experience that is of greater value than another, no matter what field of endeavour we may consider. Some people are good at carpentry while others excel in arts. Hence, some people have exceptional skills when it comes to organising a company, a society and even nations.

If we are to survive this present Götterdämmerung we will have to recover our guiding sacred and traditional principles that once, in our ancient past, gave rise to that true and genuine aristocracy that built all great cultures as reflections Below of that which is Above and filled them with the Light of the Divine.

As a small step towards recovering that guiding Principle we publish the following small book: “Aristocracy And The Meaning Of Class Rule” by Philippe Mairet, first published in 1931.

From the dust cover:

“Aristocracy is here considered as an inherent principle in the structure of any society. The writer contends that the age of democracy is only a phase of social evolution and that the conception of democracy is inadequate to create or sustain a politico-social state. This theme is illustrated by extensive references to the movements of history and closes with a prospect of social renewal through an aristocratic movement, based upon a synthesis of all sciences and directed towards world-development and organisation.”

Aristocracy And The Meaning of Class Rule (pdf)

, by Kartavirya This entry was posted in Metapolitics. Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment or leave a trackback.

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  • Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.


    - Henry David Thoreau