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December 17th, 2015

‘Metaphysics of War’ by Julius Evola added to Virtual Library

May 1st, 2014

Gyula Tóth Video Lecture: “The Trap of False History 10 Years On” (with English subtitles) added

November 7th, 2013

‘The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle’ by Bibhu Dev Misra added

October 23rd, 2011

The following titles added to Virtual Library:

By Julius Evola

‘The Yoga of Power’, ‘Introduction to Magic’ (with the UR Group), ‘The Hermetic Tradition’, ‘Ride the Tiger’, ‘Meditation on the Peaks’;

by Martin Lings

Collected Poems, ‘What Is Sufism?’


Knowledge of the Symbol by Pietro Negri

According to Dante (Convivium, II, 1), ” texts can be understood and expounded according to four senses”: the literal sense; the allegorical sense, which Dante says, “is a truth concealed behind a beautiful lie’; the moral sense; and the anagogical sense. The anagogical sense occurs when “reading in a spiritual way a scriptural passage, which in its literal meaning and in the things being signified points toward the things of eternal glory”; in other words, it is the innermost meaning of a text that, even when it has a literal sense, deals with topics of a spiritual nature. (…) Dante calls this anagogical sense “super-sense.” An-agogy means “to lead” or “to carry upwards,” or “to elevate.” Moreover, when employed as a technical naval term, it designates the act of weighing anchor and sailing away. Metaphorically speaking, when it is referred to spiritual topics, anagogy therefore indicates spiritual elevation or a rising up from the earth. In the symbolism of “navigators,” it designates leaving that “earth” or terra firma to which human beings are tenaciously anchored, in order to hoist the sails and to find a strong current, heading toward the open sea.

Dante was referring to the writing of “poets,” although the distinction of the four senses may undoubtedly be applied to sacred and initiatic writings and to any means of expression and representation of spiritual facts and doctrines. According to this distinction, the “super-sense” in every type of symbolism is always the anagogical sense. The full understanding of symbols consists in the perception of the anagogical sense concealed in them; if anagogically understood and employed, they may even contribute to spiritual elevation. In this sense, symbols are endowed with an anagogic virtue.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Sacred Art, Traditional Metaphysics | Leave a comment

All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small.


- Lao-Tzu

From the archives

  • Basic ConceptsTraditional Metaphysics

    Predictions for the Age of Kali

    Foreseeing the incompetence of the people in this age of Kali, or the iron age of quarrel, great sages and saintly people throughout the ages have sought to benefit the general mass of people by revealing to them the knowledge contained in the scriptures, whereby they may attain relief from the inflictions of this most degraded and dangerous of all ages. Elaborate description of the anomalies of Kali-yuga and the plight of the living entities is given in the Srimad Bhagavatam.
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  • Traditional Metaphysics

    Meditation On The Doctrine Of The Four Ages

    Regarding the Early Buddhism texts, which J. Evola refers to in his “Doctrine of Awakening,” there is a passage in the beginning of the MAHÂ-PARINIBBÂNA-SUTTANTA, which clearly indicates the concept of “The Doctrine of the Four Ages”, described by J. Evola in his book “Revolt against the Modern World;” i.e. a spiritual degeneration has occurred. All Ancient traditions speak about this concept in one way or the other. […] As I said in the beginning it is obvious that this is [...]
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  • Metahistory

    South American Natives Speak Ancient European Language? Part 2

    The following article was translated from the source by Kartavirya. All footnotes are mine apart from where indicated. Continuation of the summary of the research of Juan Moricz1 The first news On September 12th 1965, the biggest newspaper in Ecuador, the Quito daily “El Comercio”, published on its front page an extraordinary report about the […]
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  • Traditional Metaphysics

    Metaphysics and the Perennial Philosophy

    This is a transcript from a lecture given by Martin Lings at the Temenos Academy. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll just begin my talk by mentioning – and this refers to the talk is actually called: Metaphysics and the Perennial Philosophy, metaphysics coming first, that is, but that’s not an important detail, but it explains why I begin by mentioning – that René Guénon only once – as far as I know – entered into the academic world, which he did by [...]
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  • Metapolitics

    The Mother Of All Conspiracies

    The New World Order. Is it or is it not taking place. Discussions everywhere that the those in power are taking away more of our freedom day by day. I have also heard theories that people like Alex Jones and David Icke possibly might work for those who rule this world. I believe this to be true, but not in the way most would think.
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  • Traditional Metaphysics

    War Protocols

    This article is used by kind permission from the author Karlo Z.Valois. Perhaps the most recent texts outlining the kind of war protocol we are now addressing is Budo Shoshinsu, a collection of the most authentic moral teachings of the Japanese knights, written in the 16th Century for young samurais to teach them the foundations of bushido, “the spiritual path of the warrior”. The teachings concern the appropriate perception of death (as an opportunity for transcendence, which is apparent in everyday behavior, [...]
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