In the Chaldean Magic the first realities are the primal principles: “ILU, the First Principle, the universal and mysterious source of all things, which is manifested in the trinity of ANU, the god of Time and and the World; HEA, the intelligence, which animated matter; and BEL, the demiurgus and ruler of the organized universe”. In the ancient Hungarian world-system the basic categories were the first principle of the Universe, ÉLET (the life-principle), and ILLAT (the principle of plant life), ÁLLAT (the principle of animal life) and ÉRTELEM (the principle of human life, reason). Later on, ancient Greeks preserved the more ancient notion of primal principles in the concept of “archi”. Chrysippus, the Stoic (possibly influenced by Scythian and Chaldean teachers) expressed the fundamental realities as: exis (the principle driving existence), physis (the principle driving plant life), psyche (the principle driving animal life), and nous (the principle driving human reason). In the Chinese universism the sky-earth-man, moral-spiritual-physical, natural-historical-national categories are the fundamental ones. In the Rig Veda the spirit-life-matter, sky-living beings-earth divisions are made. The Egyptian history of Creation starts with the appearance of the earth (matter), light (energy), life and consciousness. The Indian Sankhya-system regards the universal principle of Spirit and Matter as fundamental. In the Western culture Thomas Aquinas applies three fundamental categories: that of God, spirit and matter; the material reality shows again a threefold structure of animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. Wolff (1730), after Goclenius (1613) and Micraelius (1652) who were the first using the term ontology, regarded that the three main class of existents are the psychic, cosmic and theos; this division was held also by Kant.
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December 17th, 2015‘Metaphysics of War’ by Julius Evola added to Virtual Library
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The tears of Saints more sweet by far, Than all the songs of sinners are.
- Robert Herrick
From the archives
The Trap of False History
When Heribert Illig developed his theory known as the Phantom Time theory he drew his arguments mainly from the history of the Western part of Europe. He drew attention to the immense amounts of forged documents that remains from the Carolingian empire, the Palatine Chapel of Aachen with its architectural features preceding its own time by several centuries, the extraordinary calendar correction of pope Gregory XIII and the conspicuous and inexplicable lack of any archaeological findings, being typical for the [...]
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Basic Concepts • Traditional Metaphysics
The Supreme Law Of Resonance
For the western mind, the language of YOGA and other spiritual paths is many times difficult to descipher: the symbols and metaphors are a jungle where both initiates and (mostly) uninitiates are lost. The hidden key that opens all these secrets and lost meanings is Resonance. Resonance is very easy to understand for the western mind, so much centered on the scientific approach of reality. In the light of Resonance, all metaphors and symbols immediately start to make sense, becoming in [...]
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Sacred Art
The Relations Between Religion and Art
This article was written by Arthur Osborne and is taken from the January 1964 edition of the journal ‘Mountain Path’ available at Despite the secular spirit which swept over Europe at the Renaissance and has spread to the rest of the world in the present century, it would still be true to say that […]
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South American Natives Speak Ancient European Language? Part 2
The following article was translated from the source by Kartavirya. All footnotes are mine apart from where indicated. Continuation of the summary of the research of Juan Moricz1 The first news On September 12th 1965, the biggest newspaper in Ecuador, the Quito daily “El Comercio”, published on its front page an extraordinary report about the […]
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Gyula Tóth Video Lecture: The Trap of False History 10 Years On (with English subtitles)
The original article titled “The Trap of False History” that was published on this site was the work of Gyula Tóth translated to English from the original Hungarian, and concerned Heribert Illig’s and Uwe Topper’s Phantom Time hypothesis in connection to the accuracy of the Hungarian chronicles. This very recently recorded lecture’s title is “The Sack of Rome, and – The Dark Ages?” and starts off by explaining the problem of the different calendars used in the world before, during [...]
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Traditional Metaphysics
Contemplation On The Laws Of Karma
The basic concept of the laws of karma in oriental religions evolves around the concept that good actions bring good results and bad actions produces suffering to the one who performs them. It is important to perform good actions in order to get good results and obviously not perform bad actions, which will bring bad results. It is also well known that what is behind an action- i.e. if an action is performed with desire, attachment and with egoistic assumption [...]
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