And now we are living in the dark times of the Kali Yuga, when goodness and virtue has all but disappeared from the world. But when did the Kali Yuga begin? And when does it end? In spite of the elaborate theological framework which describes the characteristics of this age, the start and end dates of the Kali Yuga remain shrouded in mystery. The popularly accepted date for the beginning of the Kali Yuga is 3102 BC, thirty-five years after the conclusion of the great battle of the Mahabharata. This is remarkably close to the proposed beginning of the current “Great Cycle” of the Mayan Long Count Calendar in 3114 BC. It is of interest to note that in both of these cases the beginning dates of the respective cycles were calculated retrospectively. The Mayans had recomputed their ancient calendars sometime between 400 BC to 50 CE, at the ceremonial center of Izapa in Mexico, and fixed the starting date of the current Great Cycle of their Long Count Calendar. And in India, sometime around 500 CE, a major review of the Indian calendric systems had taken place. It was during this time that the renowned astronomer Aryabhatta had identified the beginning date of the Kali Yuga as 3102 BC. Why was it suddenly necessary for two ancient civilizations to re-calculate dates that should have been an integral part of their calendric systems? How did such important time-markers slip out of their collective memory?
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Recent updates:
December 17th, 2015‘Metaphysics of War’ by Julius Evola added to Virtual Library
May 1st, 2014Gyula Tóth Video Lecture: “The Trap of False History 10 Years On” (with English subtitles) added
November 7th, 2013‘The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle’ by Bibhu Dev Misra added
October 23rd, 2011The following titles added to Virtual Library:
By Julius Evola
‘The Yoga of Power’, ‘Introduction to Magic’ (with the UR Group), ‘The Hermetic Tradition’, ‘Ride the Tiger’, ‘Meditation on the Peaks’;
by Martin Lings
Collected Poems, ‘What Is Sufism?’
To outward appearance they do little who are working all the time at the virtuous life, hence the disesteem of many people, which, however, they prefer to vulgar approbation.
- Eckhart
From the archives
The Mother Of All Conspiracies
The New World Order. Is it or is it not taking place. Discussions everywhere that the those in power are taking away more of our freedom day by day. I have also heard theories that people like Alex Jones and David Icke possibly might work for those who rule this world. I believe this to be true, but not in the way most would think.
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Basic Concepts
About The Term “Traditional Authors” by Róbert Horváth
The following text is entirely written by Róbert Horváth and is used by permission. The most eminent of the authors named “traditionalists” or “perennialists” are called “traditional authors” in Hungary. In this context, this latter expression should obviously be comprehended as contemporary, 20th or 21st century traditional authors. From the spiritual perspective – since traditionality […]
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Basic Concepts • Metapolitics
Inequality Before the Law is Natural & Proper to Man
Men are not equal. Some are therefore rightly more authoritative, more influential, and more important than others. The law ought to recognize this reality – and it does. The question is not whether it does recognize this reality, then, but whether it does so justly.
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Gyula Tóth Video Lecture: The Trap of False History 10 Years On (with English subtitles)
The original article titled “The Trap of False History” that was published on this site was the work of Gyula Tóth translated to English from the original Hungarian, and concerned Heribert Illig’s and Uwe Topper’s Phantom Time hypothesis in connection to the accuracy of the Hungarian chronicles. This very recently recorded lecture’s title is “The Sack of Rome, and – The Dark Ages?” and starts off by explaining the problem of the different calendars used in the world before, during [...]
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Traditional Metaphysics
The Force of Visualization
It is by now well known in most spiritual circles that the quest for the Holy Grail, which Percival undertook in the powerful Grail epic, is not an outer journey but a metaphor for an inner journey; a path to self-realization. The claim, however, that the vessel(s) used in hermetism corresponds to earth, the human body and therefore the symbol of the actual Grail and the stone – Lapidem – being what often is referred to as ‘the spiritual heart’ [...]
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Sacred Art
Interview with Peter Brook
Peter Stephen Paul Brook CBE, director, filmmaker, author, painter, pianist and theater man to the bone, is a giant of world culture. Born on the spring equinox in 1925, Brook produced an acclaimed Faust at Oxford at 17 and at 20 became the youngest-ever director of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. He has since directed over 40 major stage productions, created ten films, and with multiple stage, cinema and television versions returned the dramaturgically languishing gods of India’s Mahabharata to full-time [...]
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