The original article titled “The Trap of False History” that was published on this site was the work of Gyula Tóth translated to English from the original Hungarian, and concerned Heribert Illig’s and Uwe Topper’s Phantom Time hypothesis in connection to the accuracy of the Hungarian chronicles. This very recently recorded lecture’s title is “The Sack of Rome, and – The Dark Ages?” and starts off by explaining the problem of the different calendars used in the world before, during and after the Middle Ages. What was the true purpose of inserting 300 years into European historiography? Was it done on purpose? In those crucial years, what significant events took place that were artifically disconnected from their original protagonists and who were these protagonists?
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Recent updates:
December 17th, 2015‘Metaphysics of War’ by Julius Evola added to Virtual Library
May 1st, 2014Gyula Tóth Video Lecture: “The Trap of False History 10 Years On” (with English subtitles) added
November 7th, 2013‘The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle’ by Bibhu Dev Misra added
October 23rd, 2011The following titles added to Virtual Library:
By Julius Evola
‘The Yoga of Power’, ‘Introduction to Magic’ (with the UR Group), ‘The Hermetic Tradition’, ‘Ride the Tiger’, ‘Meditation on the Peaks’;
by Martin Lings
Collected Poems, ‘What Is Sufism?’
Conquer anger by love. Conquer evil by good. Conquer the mean by generosity. Conquer the liar by truth… Never in the world is hatred conquered by hatred: hatred is conquered by love.
- Dhammapada 223, 5
From the archives
Sacred Art • Traditional Metaphysics
Knowledge of the Symbol by Pietro Negri
According to Dante (Convivium, II, 1), ” texts can be understood and expounded according to four senses”: the literal sense; the allegorical sense, which Dante says, “is a truth concealed behind a beautiful lie’; the moral sense; and the anagogical sense. The anagogical sense occurs when “reading in a spiritual way a scriptural passage, which in its literal meaning and in the things being signified points toward the things of eternal glory”; in other words, it is the innermost meaning [...]
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Sacred Art
The Subversion Of Art
The modernistic definition of art is that art is a mirror of our society. Society – and nowadays also the global world – should be reflected in art. It is considered its duty and its very purpose, together with the firm apprehension – typical of modernism – that through progress, art has developed this important role of giving a critical and different view of how to solve societies’ imperfections. This is totally false. The problem is that art is [...]
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Traditional Metaphysics
Sherds of Physis Shattered by Dr. Andreas Wolfsson
A physicist’s testimony on physics, modern & post-modern physics Having been functioning in this field for some twelve years and hence given the possibility to observe much of its internal workings, in this our treatise Sherds of Physis Shattered, we wish to expose some typical conceptual features of physics, the queen of modern sciences, and as such obviously one of the most prominent shapers of the modern world and Weltanschauung. Our goal is to present a multi-lateral criticism of physics, one which [...]
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Confirmation Bias — The New Conspiracy Theory
What is the difference between confirmation bias and simply confirmation? If I find a document detailing the agreement between two gangsters to rob a bank, that is reason to look for more proof of this suspected crime. According to this new concept of confirmation bias I’m now supposed to look for evidence that disproves my suspicion. If I don’t then I’m guilty of confirmation bias, and since that’s a psychological tendency — a flaw “we all are guilty of” — it’s [...]
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South American Natives Speak Ancient European Language? Part 2
The following article was translated from the source by Kartavirya. All footnotes are mine apart from where indicated. Continuation of the summary of the research of Juan Moricz1 The first news On September 12th 1965, the biggest newspaper in Ecuador, the Quito daily “El Comercio”, published on its front page an extraordinary report about the […]
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Traditional Metaphysics
The Force of Visualization
It is by now well known in most spiritual circles that the quest for the Holy Grail, which Percival undertook in the powerful Grail epic, is not an outer journey but a metaphor for an inner journey; a path to self-realization. The claim, however, that the vessel(s) used in hermetism corresponds to earth, the human body and therefore the symbol of the actual Grail and the stone – Lapidem – being what often is referred to as ‘the spiritual heart’ [...]
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