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December 17th, 2015

‘Metaphysics of War’ by Julius Evola added to Virtual Library

May 1st, 2014

Gyula Tóth Video Lecture: “The Trap of False History 10 Years On” (with English subtitles) added

November 7th, 2013

‘The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle’ by Bibhu Dev Misra added

October 23rd, 2011

The following titles added to Virtual Library:

By Julius Evola

‘The Yoga of Power’, ‘Introduction to Magic’ (with the UR Group), ‘The Hermetic Tradition’, ‘Ride the Tiger’, ‘Meditation on the Peaks’;

by Martin Lings

Collected Poems, ‘What Is Sufism?’


Inequality Before the Law is Natural & Proper to Man

Men are not equal. Some are therefore rightly more authoritative, more influential, and more important than others. The law ought to recognize this reality – and it does. The question is not whether it does recognize this reality, then, but whether it does so justly.

, by Kartavirya Posted in Basic Concepts, Metapolitics | 1 Response

Reprimand and rebuke should be accepted as healing remedies for vice and as conductive to good health. From this it is clear that those who pretend to be tolerant because they wish to flatter—those who thus fail to correct sinners —actually cause them to suffer supreme loss and plot the destruction of that life which is their true life.


- Basil the Great

From the archives

  • Basic ConceptsTraditional Metaphysics

    The Supreme Law Of Resonance

    For the western mind, the language of YOGA and other spiritual paths is many times difficult to descipher: the symbols and metaphors are a jungle where both initiates and (mostly) uninitiates are lost. The hidden key that opens all these secrets and lost meanings is Resonance. Resonance is very easy to understand for the western mind, so much centered on the scientific approach of reality. In the light of Resonance, all metaphors and symbols immediately start to make sense, becoming in [...]
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  • Metahistory

    Gyula Tóth Video Lecture: The Trap of False History 10 Years On (with English subtitles)

    The original article titled “The Trap of False History” that was published on this site was the work of Gyula Tóth translated to English from the original Hungarian, and concerned Heribert Illig’s and Uwe Topper’s Phantom Time hypothesis in connection to the accuracy of the Hungarian chronicles. This very recently recorded lecture’s title is “The Sack of Rome, and – The Dark Ages?” and starts off by explaining the problem of the different calendars used in the world before, during [...]
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  • Traditional Metaphysics

    Sherds of Physis Shattered by Dr. Andreas Wolfsson

    A physicist’s testimony on physics, modern & post-modern physics Having been functioning in this field for some twelve years and hence given the possibility to observe much of its internal workings, in this our treatise Sherds of Physis Shattered, we wish to expose some typical conceptual features of physics, the queen of modern sciences, and as such obviously one of the most prominent shapers of the modern world and Weltanschauung. Our goal is to present a multi-lateral criticism of physics, one which [...]
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  • Traditional Metaphysics

    Metaphysics and the Perennial Philosophy

    This is a transcript from a lecture given by Martin Lings at the Temenos Academy. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll just begin my talk by mentioning – and this refers to the talk is actually called: Metaphysics and the Perennial Philosophy, metaphysics coming first, that is, but that’s not an important detail, but it explains why I begin by mentioning – that René Guénon only once – as far as I know – entered into the academic world, which he did by [...]
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  • MetapoliticsSacred Art

    The Esoterism of Shakespeare’s Macbeth

    Having attended the new production of G. Verdi’s opera Macbeth at The Gothenburg Opera, I was quite surprised by the unexpected chosen interpretation of this great adaptation of Shakespeare’s masterpiece. (…) The main question I must raise is this: Why is it morally wrong of Macbeth to kill Duncan, if they are the same and why then is it morally right of Malcolm (through Macduff) to kill Macbeth? If they are the same, as they are displayed in Mr. Radok’s [...]
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  • Traditional Metaphysics

    Contemplation On The Laws Of Karma

    The basic concept of the laws of karma in oriental religions evolves around the concept that good actions bring good results and bad actions produces suffering to the one who performs them. It is important to perform good actions in order to get good results and obviously not perform bad actions, which will bring bad results. It is also well known that what is behind an action- i.e. if an action is performed with desire, attachment and with egoistic assumption [...]
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