The Fundamental Principles of the Universe and the Origin of Physical Laws by Attila Grandpierre

7. Conclusions

In our research we found deep and meaningful connections between the basic principle of physics and the ultimate principles of the Universe, Nature, biological phenomena and reason. Therefore, the principle of least action is not necessarily an expression of sterile inanimateness. On the contrary, the principle of physics is related to the life principle of the universe, to the world of instincts behind the atomic world, in which the principles of physics, biology, psychology and self-consciousness arise from the same integrative ultimate principle. It is remarkable, that the ultimate principles of matter, life and consciousness, and the related Four Causes show close and essential similarity with the four archi of the ancient Greeks that apparently originated under the influence of Scythian-Chaldean-Parthian world-view. Our research sheds new light to the sciences of physics, biology, psychology and self-consciousness in close relation to the ultimate principles. These ultimate principles have a primary importance in our understanding the nature of Man and the Universe, together with the relations between Man and Nature, Man and Universe. The results offer new foundations for our understanding our own role in the Earth, in the Nature and in the Universe. Even the apparently inanimate world of physics shows up as being animate on long timescales and having a kind of pre-human consciousness in its basic organisation. This conjecture offers a way to understand when and how the biological laws may direct physical laws, and, moreover, offers a new perspective to study and understand under which conditions can self-consciousness govern the laws of psychology, biology and physics. This perspective offers for us, living beings and humans a possibility to strengthen our natural identity, and recognise the wide perspective arising from having access to the deepest ranges of our own human resources and realising the task for which human and individual life is created.


The author wishes to express his thanks to Dávid Galántai in preparing the translation of this text.


Attila Grandpierre

Konkoly Observatory

H-1525 Budapest, P. O. Box 67, Hungary


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  • We fashion wood for a house, but it is the emptiness inside that makes it livable. We work with the substantial, but the emptiness is what we use.

    - Tao Te Ching 11